
This month, we're returning $32 MILLION to our customers in patronage dividends! 自2001年以来,这一数字已超过4.65亿美元. 





年轻,开始,小 & 老农民

当我们谈到农业职业时, we often think about the technical skills necessary to do the job, 农业某一特定部门的经验和专门知识, 或者作为拥有市场的人, 机械和机械知识.  These are important core skills 和 knowledge needed, for sure!  What people are beginning to discuss that is just as important are soft skills.  So what are they 和 what does that mean in relation to getting a job 在农业?  这是一个常见的问题,我们很高兴你提出这个问题. 

Soft skills can be defined as your ability to work with 和 interact with others. They are also known as personal skills, non-technical skills 和 interpersonal skills. Employers place emphasis on such skills because they are often the most difficult to teach.  Soft skills, when combined with hard skills, is very complimentary 和 extremely employable.


硬技能是指某人拥有的技术技能.  Hard skills are also considered job-specific skills that can be taught or acquired through training or h和s-on experience.  例如, 在农业, 硬技能可以是理解精准农业, 作为一名大型动物兽医, 有农学学位的, 或者成为一名机械师. 


如前所述, soft skills are highly sought after because they are not easily taught 和 not acquired as easily through training.  One might say these types of skills are learned over time as an individual grows up 和 learns through their life experiences.  They are often seen as personality traits 和 behaviors individuals possess.

Employers have started to put an emphasis on the soft skills a c和idate displays.  在面试过程中, employers are looking for the skills that will ensure that person is going to be a good addition to the operation.  Along with having the hard skills necessary to do the ag work, hiring managers are tuning in to the soft skills someone holds.  Employers also believe that individuals who possess multiple soft skills is often an indicator of long-term success.


创造力-通常被称为“跳出框框思考”.  Being able to view a problem from multiple angles helps to generate ideas so business can move forward.

团队合作-能够与他人一起朝着共同的目标努力.  Being able to effectively be part of a team which includes co-workers, colleagues 和 managers.  团队合作 allows the group to work on tasks efficiently 和 in an enjoyable environment.

可靠性-这意味着你是值得信赖和可靠的.  Dependable employees are trusted to finish tasks 和 meet deadlines.

自信-Being assertive shows you have confidence in your work abilities 和 are not afraid to be held accountable.  Being assertive also means you are able to express your opinions 和 contribute.

解决问题-Employers see problem-solving as the ability to h和le difficult or unexpected situations.  Good problem solvers can calmly analyze a situation 和 identify possible solutions.

沟通-This refers to one’s ability to give 和 receive information.  When employers are asked to rank soft skills, communication is most often at the top of the list.  Being able to give information (speak) 和 to receive (listen) information is an important balance.  Make sure you have a solid underst和ing of communication skills.

灵活性-从事农业工作是不可预测的, 和 you may be asked to complete a task outside of your normal work duties or pivot in a new direction.  灵活性 is important 和 tells employers they can trust you will be able to continue moving forward even under unexpected change.  Being flexible also means you are willing to learn something new.

时间管理-The ability to effectively manage multiple tasks simultaneously.  Also refers to your ability to prioritize your time in order to complete tasks in a timely manner.  良好的时间管理也表明你很有条理, 所有这些对雇主来说都非常重要.

问责制-Being accountable means you are willing to take responsibility for your work 和 your actions.  对自己负责表明你值得信任.

领导-Most positions 在农业 require some degree of independence.  When you show leadership that means you are able to h和le tasks on your own.  即使你的职位不是领导, there will be instances where you can show leadership in the work you are doing.

十大最受欢迎的软技能并不是无所不包.  There are many other skills one can possess that are often considered by employers.  每个人的软技能不同是很正常的.  如果你有一些缺点,不要担心.  It is important to evaluate your levels of ability in each area 和 work on the ones that need growth.  这很正常!  Most people prepare for the dreaded interview question, “What are your strengths 和 weaknesses”?  借此机会提一下你擅长的软技能, 你现在正在努力加强的那些, 以及你打算如何实现这一目标.  Employers will see your answer as positive because of your awareness 和 willingness to improve 和 grow.

If you are currently looking for a position or career 在农业, make sure to research 和 read as much as you can about the soft skills necessary for a career 在农业.  Employers in the field of agriculture are looking for soft skills just as much as hard skills, 最好是有所准备.  Arm yourself with personal life stories 和 examples of your soft skills that would best apply to the position you seek. 

要增加你的技能,请查看我们的 业务握手着装规范 指南.  你一定会给人留下深刻的印象!

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